Monday, June 24, 2013

Giving Instructions

Giving Instructions

Some of the activities in class are very hard to explain to the students, especially when they're still at early levels so the teacher must learn to give clear and good instructions.
Teachers should practice the way they give instructions before the class so that when they come in they know what they're going to do.
Here are some steps to give better instructions:
  1. The teacher has to know how well he or she gives instructions, he/she should get feedback from a friend who watches them give instructions.
  2. Plan ahead: Look at the instructions before class and include only the important parts using simple, clear language. Use short sentences and don't state the obvious or unnecessary things.
  3. Make sure the students are listening before start giving the instructions, make eye contact with them, use a good voice projection, use gestures to help clarify the instruction. 
  4. If possible demonstrate rather than explain.
  5.  Check comprehension: Make sure the students know what they are supposed to do, getting students to tell you is a simple way of achieving this.
A very important part of giving instructions is making the students listen to what you're saying, after that you can worry about if the students understood or not. Some useful tips for this are:
  • Make eye contact with as many students as possible.
  • Use gestures to let the students know you're going to speak.
  •  Wait until the students settle down.
  • Don't get impatient, keep looking from person to person patently.
  • If the students are taking too long to settle down get their attention with a single word.
In conclusion, you need to use a voice of authority and speak clearly. Make sure the students are listening and that the instructions are simple enough for the them to understand. 

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